What about ya?

You made it. Well, let’s hope you landed on my page because you wanted to. Otherwise, that’s kind of weird that you stumbled on a page called Jossiepops. Anyway, it’s great that you are here and even better that you want to know about me. I did Art at school, drew a load of rocks, leaves and some driftwood. That did not excite me, so I carried on with my life, you know, as you do. I got a ‘Real’ job and did ‘Real’ things. That was alright, but it takes big world issues to throw you back on course and create that much-needed stir.


A little nudge here, a push there and of course a Global Pandemic later, and what do you know, I am back doing Art. I called my return phase my ‘Apprenticeship.’ I jumped straight back into the world of getting frustrated at lines and rediscovering the millions of shades of one colour. It began by taking requests and illustrating what the people wanted, all whilst raising money from prints for charity. I feel all artists stay in their ‘Apprenticeship’ until they start to take themselves more seriously, so I did.


That felt good, but what felt even better was using my imagination and drawing what I wanted. I am currently cruising down the 80s style Graffiti, NFTs and ink route. It’s an incredible journey so far, but as all artists know, there is a long journey in discovering your ‘style.’ I will carry on with paint, portraits, cool nostalgic stuff and shades of grey (not like the film) until my direction is once again jolted.



May this journey last a long time, and may I keep it a colourful one.


Thanks for reading this. Now either buy me a coffee or buy yourself a print. Either way, I fall into the starving artist category now, so I need your good vibes.


Peace and Love

